Thursday, July 11, 2013

User Interface for a Dragon Game - WIP

A couple of months ago I made the dragons below heavily influenced by the iOS casual game trend of raising dragons.  The three games that I used as reference were my favourites - Dragon Story, Dragonvale and Dragon Skies.  There's two possible eggs, a baby and an adult version of one type of dragon.  

Taking the above style into account, I've decided to make an Options menu for a game to start off the UI portion of my portfolio as I've become pretty fascinated with the job of UI Artists.  If this were an actual game, this is how the UI might look.

First, these are my preliminary sketches (excuse my quick scrawl for the text) using both the wood and stone nests.  

I have started with the wooden, more tribal version which I am currently calling "Stick Tied".  Here's the progress so far.  Still a ways to go yet:

Undecided about whether or not I'll actually develop the stone or Greek version or not.

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